On 22/02/2012 05:13, alexus wrote:
> thank you for your respond - that's my plan b
> i'd like to know if i can exercise my plan a first:
> i already have installed apache22, php5 as package (pkg_add) without
> having them build through /usr/ports (i know how everyone likes ports
> around here).
> i want to see if it's possible to have a link between apache22 and
> php5 with using packages only (i.e. without /usr/ports) and since
> mod_php is mia for whatever reason(s) i want to see if fastcgi can be
> used and PHP-FPM isn't available in packages too (i'm start thinking
> packages sucks comparing to /usr/ports) basically my last resort (at
> least that i know of to try) is to go with spawn-fcgi. i dont have
> alot of requirements but i do need apache22 + php5 to talk to each
> others and i want to know if it can be done with pkg_add vs /usr/ports

It is true that packages are really quite lacking compared to ports.  I
doubt that it would ever be possible to create pre-compiled packages
that provide the same level of flexibility and configurability as you
get with ports, but that doesn't mean there are not a large number of
improvements that could be made.

That packages are not really up to the required standard is well known
amongst FreeBSD users, but somehow always seems to come as an unpleasant
surprise to new users.  If there is a certain detectable note of
asperity in the way we say "just use the ports -- it's easy, and fun for
all the family" that's because we keep on having to say the same thing
over and over.  Eventually we'll get fed up with telling people there's
no demand, and provide a pkg system more in line with their
expectations.  Moves are already afoot -- http://wiki.freebsd.org/pkgng
-- but it's going to take some time before that has any material effects
on end-user experience.

As to your specific problem: yes, it is a cause of contention that
mod_php is not enabled in the default php5 package.  I don't entirely
understand why the port maintainer made that decision.  php-fpm is not
enabled by default either, because it is still considered experimental
code in the currently available php5-5.3.10_1 -- I read that it will no
longer be considered experimental in php 5.4 but you're going to have to
wait until that gets released.

Have you considered nginx + spawn-fcgi?  Or lighttpd (with its built-in
fastcgi support)? I think those should work entirely through available
packages, and should be at least competitive in performance with apache
+ whatever-PHP.  Usually nginx or lighttpd pretty much smoke apache
performance-wise, but they are lot simpler and much smaller applications
so not quite as capable of doing everything apache can.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.                   7 Priory Courtyard
                                                  Flat 3
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JID: matt...@infracaninophile.co.uk               Kent, CT11 9PW

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