On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 8:45 PM, Warren Block <wbl...@wonkity.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 20 Apr 2012, Antonio Olivares wrote:
>> Does anyone know where the source(s) for the FreeBSD Handbook and
>> FreeBSD FAQ are found?
> SGML source is in /usr/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ and
> /usr/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/, or other subdirectories under /usr/doc
> for other languages.  There's build infrastructure in /usr/doc/share.

[olivares@tricorehome ~]$ cd /usr/doc/share
bash: cd: /usr/doc/share: No such file or directory
[olivares@tricorehome ~]$ cd /usr/doc/
bash: cd: /usr/doc/: No such file or directory

> Some description about the doc tools is in the FreeBSD Documentation Project
> Primer at
> http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/index.html

Thanks, but I am looking for \TeX{}/\LaTeX{} source files that are
used to build the *.pdf versions of HANDBOOK, & FAQ.  If one does a
properties on a PDF, we can see maker dvips + ghostscript 8.71.  This
is what I am looking for, the files to produce that document[sources
in tex/latex form] and see if I can produce it with what is readily
available in kertex now.

If I look in /usr/local/share/doc, these are not there either

[olivares@tricorehome /usr/local/share]$ cd doc/
[olivares@tricorehome /usr/local/share/doc]$ ls
ImageMagick             graphviz                neon
NVIDIA_GLX-1.0          gsf                     netpbm
OpenEXR                 gsfonts                 nettle
OpenSP                  hal-0.5.14              ntp
Terminal                html2text               open-motif
Thunar                  icedtea-web             orage
Xaw3d                   inputproto              pcre
automake                ja                      pdfjam
bash                    jasper                  pdflib
bigreqsproto            jbig                    peps-2.0
bitstream-vera          jpeg                    pkg-config
cdrtools                lame                    pkgtools
check-0.9.8             lcms                    poppler
cmake                   lcms2                   py-gtk
compositeproto          libFS                   py-iniparse
cppunit                 libICE                  py-libxml2
cups                    libXaw                  py-lxml
curl                    libXmu                  pygobject
cvsps                   libXrender              randrproto
damageproto             libXvMC                 rar
db41                    liba52                  rarian
db42                    libao                   renderproto
dbus-glib               libasprintf             ristretto
dejavu                  libcaca                 rsvg-2.0
djvulibre               libdaemon               rsync
dmidecode               libdv                   rtmpdump
docbook                 libevdocument           ruby18
docbook-xml             libevview               sdl
docbook-xsl             libexecinfo             setuptools
dvd+rw-tools            libexif                 snmp
dvdauthor               libgcrypt               sqlite3
enca                    libgda                  subversion
evince                  libgpg-error            t1lib
exo                     libgphoto2              texi2html
ffmpeg                  libgphoto2_port         thunar-vfs
figlet                  libiconv                tidy
fixesproto              libidn                  tiff
flac                    libkate                 transcode
fluxbox                 libmpeg2                ttfm
fontconfig              libnautilus-extension   twolame
fontsproto              libogg                  type1inst
frei0r                  libsigc++-2.0           unique
fusefs                  libsndfile              unrar
gcr-0                   libtasn1                unzip
gd                      libtextcat              v4l_compat
getopt                  libvorbis               vigra
gettext                 libwmf                  wmicons
ghostscript9            libwps                  x48
giflib                  libxcb                  xfce-utils
gkrellm                 libxklavier             xfce4-panel
gnome-keyring           lua51                   xfce4-session
gnuplot                 lxdvdrip                xfdesktop
gnutls                  lzo2                    xfwm4
goffice-0.8             mdbtools                xmlcatmgr
gp11                    mpfr                    xorg-docs
gperf                   nasm                    xtrans
[olivares@tricorehome /usr/local/share/doc]$

Best Regards,

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