Thanks Mark,

Along with a private response from Raphaël Marmier, who told me
that I should run: apachectl startssl (instead of the apachectl start I normally run),

I discovered that there was an httpsdctl program in the same directory as
apachectl. After generating my key(s) and certificates (I signed them myself),
I ran httpsdctl start and httpsd started... A quick ps ax | grep 'http'
showed both httpd and httpsd running...

I quickly checked to make sure my current web pages still worked, and
they did.  Then I went to /usr/local/etc/apache and modified the
httpsd.conf file accordingly...  Restarted httpsd and put in a
quick and dirty index.html file (all it says is this is a secure page), into
the directory (that I defined in httpsd.conf).

Then went to my browser, and typed in:

Instead of getting the index.html page I got, I got a page not found.

So I went to look at the log files...  Nothing... The log files for https
are empty, (nothing in error.log or access.log).  So I went to the
original log files and checked them... Nothing.

I'm not getting any error messages, and httpsd is running.
but the web pages aren't coming up either...

BTW: httpsdctl configtest shows that the httpsd.conf file is

If anyone has any more insight into this, I would much appreciate it.

Thanks again,


At 09:06 AM 5/28/2003 -0700, you wrote:
I seem to recall that installing (a)apache13+mod_ssl alongside
(b)apache13 caused some messed up situation where the (a) filenames are
different (eg. the httpd binary is named apache and the httpd.conf file
is named apache.conf) apparently to avoid overwriting (b) files. I
highly recommend removing apache13 if installing apache13+mod_ssl.

To merge configurations, I often turn to a X app called xxdiff, which
let's you do the httpd.conf merge interactively.

On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 09:01, Peter Elsner wrote:
> This might seem like a stupid question, but here goes...
> I have Apache 1.3 running on my system. It's running fine and has been for
> several years.
> I find that I'm in need of also have a secure https session (as well as my
> regular web sites).
> So I set out to learn about Apache13+mod_ssl. There are tons of documents
> available, and
-mdf [Mark D. Foster]

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