>>>>> "vermaden" == vermaden  <verma...@interia.pl> writes:

vermaden> # fetch https://github.com/vermaden/beadm/blob/master/beadm

Heh.  That's HTML.  I think you want

fetch https://raw.github.com/vermaden/beadm/master/beadm

vermaden> # chmod +x beadm
vermaden> # ./beadm list
vermaden> # ./beadm activate default
vermaden> # reboot

vermaden> Be sure to use the latest *beadm* from one of these:
vermaden> https://raw.github.com/vermaden/beadm/master/beadm
vermaden> https://sourceforge.net/projects/beadm/

vermaden> Let me know how these instructions work, especially if You got
vermaden> any errors or an unbootable system.

Oh, that worked perfectly, except for an error message during the

and after reboot, "zfs set mountpoint=none zroot" would also seem to
clean that up.

vermaden> It would be best if You would test this zpool root to sys/ROOT/be 
transition under VirtualBox for 100% safety ;)

vermaden> Regards,
vermaden> vermaden
vermaden> -- 

vermaden> ...
vermaden> _______________________________________________
vermaden> freebsd-questions@freebsd.org mailing list
vermaden> http://lists.freebsd.org/mailman/listinfo/freebsd-questions
vermaden> To unsubscribe, send any mail to 

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