--As of May 5, 2012 10:21:10 AM -0500, Joshua Isom is alleged to have said:

I currently use my FreeBSD system as my generic unix server and some
coding, along with occasional multimedia.  I'd installed postfix years
ago and kept using it.  Right now, I use getmail with cron, dspam, and
dovecot to handle my gmail account.  I've never set up outgoing mail
which makes changing email clients, or devices, annoying.  Currently
postfix is set to use dovecot's deliver command so that dovecot can sort
and handle it.  Before I deal with setting postfix to relay the mail,
dealing with firewalls and other possible issues, is there a better
alternative?  I'd prefer that local mail "just works" even if I lose
internet, and any email that gets as far as my server will at least
eventually mail.

--As for the rest, it is mine.

I've been using Postfix for a decade to do basically this; no major problems, and it doesn't take much to set up. No reason to go to something else. (Even for speed: I've used it for work on a site handling millions of messages a day...)

As has been said, a local resolver will help. The thing to watch for is what mail you'll let it accept: It's moderately easy to set it up as an open relay, which you *don't* want to do. Accept from the local network is fine; I've never needed to set up authenticated sending from outside that, though I keep meaning to when I have some free time...

The dynamic IP problem can be a hassle, and lead to weird losses of mail. My solution has just been to call the ISP and get a 'business' line, with a static IP, though forwarding to their mail relay would work as well.

Daniel T. Staal

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