On 15/05/2012 21:33, Lauren Scott wrote:
> I was wondering if you would be able to help me locate a copy of the below
> article:
> "General Commands Manual for RDIST"
> June 3, 1993
> FreeBSD
> I appreciate any help you are able to provide.

Tricky.  The CVS Repo only goes back to 1994, and I can't see any
obvious references to rdist in there.

Of course, I hope you all realise that this means in about 1 month,
FreeBSD will be legally an adult.

There's still some files in the src tree that haven't changed in all
that time.  eg:




PS. To the OP: it might be worth asking on freebsd-hackers@... There's
still a number of people around that were active that far back.

Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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