I have a Lexar 64GB USB 2.0 JumpDrive which worked in its "pristine" or
"virgine" state very well. I used it yesterday, brand new, to fill it up
with data. Some 30GB data got stored, I shut down the system (FreeBSD
10.0-CURRENT/amd64) and this morning, I put the USB drive out of the USB
port (computer off) and took it to the office.

At the office, neither a FreeBSD10.0-CURRENT box nor a FreeBSD
9.0-STABLE box (both moth recent buildworld) where able to recognize the
drive! While the USB drive was recognized as /dev/da1s1 before, this
time I see in the console something like this:

ugen7.6: <Lexar> at usbus7
umass1: <Lexar USB Flash Drive, class 0/0, rev 2.00/11.00, addr 6> on usbus7

And nothing further anymore.

On a Linux box (Suse) the USB drive can be read as well as on a Windows
7 box (I only read the content, I didn't write onto the USB drive on
both systems).

What is up? Since Windows and Linux can read/recognize the drive and
FreeBSD not, I guess FreeBSD does have a problem with that kind of 64GB

I do not care of the data on the USB drive, so I'd like to GPART it. But
without having a device node created, this is very unlikely to achieve.

Any suggestions?

Please CC my email, I'm not subscribing this specific list.


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