Bacula is the tool

Enviado desde mi iPod

El 22/06/2012, a las 8:31 p.m., "Chad Perrin" <>

> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 08:14:34PM -0500, Adam Vande More wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 11:09 AM, Chad Perrin <>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm setting up a "new" backup server using FreeBSD.  It will be
>>> used for
>>> backing up laptops, which will not be connected to the network by
>>> any
>>> kind of schedule, so backups will be initiated manually rather
>>> than by
>>> cron or other scheduled procedures.  I'm trying to decide on what
>>> tools
>>> to use for managing backups.  In the past I have used rsync, which
>>> has
>>> worked reasonably well, but fails one of my desired criteria for
>>> the new
>>> backup procedures, and is less than ideal for others.
>> One's I use or have used:
>> sysutils/rdiff-backup
>> sysutils/tarsnap
>> misc/amanda-server
> Unfortunately, one of those is GPL, another is subject to proprietary
> licensing, and the last has a bunch of (otherwise unnecessary on the
> server) GNU project dependencies.
> --
> Chad Perrin [ original content licensed OWL: ]
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