On Thu, 12 Jul 2012, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

I am no expert at this however a quick Google search comes up with:


The procedure shown there produces a mirror that will not boot on FreeBSD 9.

no idea but my procedure certainly would work if you use installer

1) install to first disk
2) gmirror label system /dev/seconddisk
3) bsdlabel -w /dev/mirror/system
4) bsdlabel -e /dev/mirror/system - make partitions as required.
5) bsdlabel -B /dev/mirror/system
6) newfs all created partitions (/dev/mirror/systema etc...)
7) add


to loader.conf

edit /etc/fstab and change all things to new places
8) mount and copy files using tar or dump/restore to new place
9) reboot. system will start from gmirror
10) gmirror insert system /dev/firstdisk

all done.

if installer is not used but bootable media with complete system, just create gmirror then as usual.

The current Handbook procedure avoids the copy by using the existing disk as-is and just writing the gmirror metadata to the last block. If that last block is already part of an MBR partition, the more strict checking stops booting in 9.0.
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