Sergey Listopad <psychosensor <at>> writes:

> ... 
> As you can see, bootstrap process stuck much earlier kernel
> booting/root mounting. It stuck on loader stage (loader can't do
> something. But what exactly?)
> I've been able to boot system manually (so system on HDD is workable),
> by skipping loader stage (boot kernel directly from boot block prompt)
>       >> FreeBSD/i386 BOOT
>      Default: 0:ad(0p2)/boot/loader
>      boot:/boot/kernel/kernel

OK. So it looks like you have succeeded with stage 1 and 2.
At this point the boot slice is known - the boot process knows where to find
After that stage 3 should be auto-executed, but it does not.

At this point check if you have /boot.config by chance. This file, if exists,
may contain options modifying stages of the boot process, in this case
the transition from stage 2 to 3 is of interest.
Check it out and, if applies, read BOOT.CONFIG(5) and its examples.


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