== Polytropon wrote on Mon 20.Aug'12 at 14:22:45 +0200 ==

> On Mon, 20 Aug 2012 06:38:33 +0100, Matthew Seaman wrote:
> > I always keep saying the ideal
> > situation would be that you could customise and compile just your own
> > really mission critical software and freely mix that with installing
> > pre-compiled packages of anything else from the public repositories.
> To be honest, that's what I'm doing for many years now. I
> tend to compile only those ports where it is either required
> in order to obtain the software because no suitable package
> does exist (e. g. OpenOffice), or because I intendedly want
> to have access to compile-time options (e. g. mplayer), which
> can also apply when specific optimization is needed in order
> to get something into a usable state on older hardware. For
> everything else, packages are fine. Mixing those forms (and
> maybe assuming that ports can be either handled by the
> native "make method" or one of the port management tools
> such as portmaster) is possible. Of course you have to think
> first, then do, but I assume it's not needed mentioning. :-)

It's good people have the option to install packages if they so wish. 
Personally, I don't think i've ever used a precompiled package on FreeBSD; I 
much prefer to compile from source, especially when updating my system 
(different topic i know). 
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