When I ran the following command using subversion, here's what I get:

fbsd# svn up /usr/src
Updating '.':
Skipped 'lib' -- Node remains in conflict
Skipped 'sys' -- Node remains in conflict
At revision 240997.
Summary of conflicts:
  Skipped paths: 2

fbsd# svn up /usr/ports
Skipped '/usr/ports'
Summary of conflicts:
  Skipped paths: 1

fbsd# cd /usr/ports

fbsd# make fetchindex
/usr/ports/INDEX-9.bz2                        100% of 1623 kB 4569 kBps

fbsd# pkg_version -l '<'
subversion                          <


Can someone tell me what "Node remains in conflict" means and how to I
correct this...or do I need to worry about it at all???

Thank you!

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