On Tue, 30 Oct 2012 15:56:30 +0100
"C. P. Ghost" <cpgh...@cordula.ws> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm looking for an NNTP newsreader that can gracefully
> handle newsgroups with a *huge* number of posts, if
> possible with a moderate memory and CPU footprint.
> My newsreader of choice, news/tin, while quite good for
> newsgroups with a moderate number of articles can't
> cope with some alt.binaries.* groups that contain over
> 2,000,000+ active/unread articles. It effectively thrashes

        For binaries I wouldn't use a newsreader at all. I'd use something
like nzbget and an nzb search service.

Steve O'Hara-Smith <at...@sohara.org>
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