Gary Aitken <freebsd <at>> writes:

> Just curious; what's the purpose of /tmp/fam-root, and what is written there?
> Is it simply where the os writes stuff which is sensitive,
> and putting it in a rwx------ directory avoids potential security issues
> regarding file access?
> or is there more to it than that?

# procstat -af |grep -i fam
23038 polkitd            12 s - rw-------   1       0 UDS /tmp/fam-root/fam-
23040 gam_server          4 s - rw-------   1       0 UDS /tmp/fam-root/fam-
23040 gam_server          7 s - rw-------   1       0 UDS /tmp/fam-root/fam-
26654 thunar              7 s - rw-------   1       0 UDS /tmp/fam-jb/fam-
# file /tmp/fam-root/fam-
/tmp/fam-root/fam-: socket


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