Paul Schmehl wrote:
--On November 21, 2012 6:04:00 PM +0000 Steve O'Hara-Smith <> wrote:

On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 12:52:14 -0500
Fbsd8 <> wrote:

You missed to whole point of my question.
I don't want to maintain the WHOLE ports tree.
I only want to download selected single port.
My current ports tree only has 2 ports, apache22 and php5.
So your reply did not answer my question.
Thanks any how.

    This works

svn co svn:// .

    If you do it in /usr/ports/www/apache22 then the port winds up in a
sane place.

No!  This will create an apache22 port in /usr/ports/www/apache22/apache22!

You want to checkout the port while you're in the category directory.

IOW, cd /usr/ports/www && svn co blah blah blah

If you want to do a category, cd /usr/ports/ && svn co svn://

Once you have it you can do svn up in /usr/ports/www/apache22
to update it.

    This will probably become intolerably clumsy for more than a
handful of ports.

Yeap thats the ticket. I tested this and it works also

svn co svn:// /usr/ports/misc/ytree

Don't have to change into target directory.

Another question

csup has category called "base" that checkouts all the pieces parts making up the ports "make" environment.

svn has no category called "base"

What is base called in svn category?

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