23.11.2012 06:22, Gary Aitken:
Do you have a nvidia card ?

If yes right click on the youtube image and disable hardware acceleration,
it will probably solve it (solved for me)

I'm seeing this too. nvidia-driver is installed. I'm using E17 without opengl.

While this should work for flash plugin I was always hit by another bug -
< I can't use mouse on flash settings dialog unless flash is maximized.

Hmmm.  Seems to work for me whether normal sized, large sized, or full screen.
So the menu comes up on the right click,
and you can select "Settings..."
and the settings dialog comes up,
but you cannot change any of the settings?

I can navigate partially by keyboard.

But you can close the dialog using the "close" button using the mouse?

Mouse doesn't work at all.

And you can switch tabs in the settings dialog using the mouse?

Nope, only with keyboard.

Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
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