On Sun, 25 Nov 2012 22:44:57 -0700, emmanuel ilunga wrote:
> Hello,
> By ignorance, I named the host: "machine0.example.com" (just following what
> I saw.)

Even though this has nothing to do with the error message you
got, the name "example.com" is intended for _examples_ and not
for actual use. It will usually be found in documentation and
has the meaning of "change this to what applies in _your_ case
if you follow this example".

Typical suggestions could be "machine0.local" or "fbsd9.localdomain".
If _may_ be possible that your ISP requires you do enter a
specific host and domain name, or your setting requires this.
There might be rules you have to follow. Besides, _you_ will
decide about the name.

You can change this information easily in /etc/rc.conf, it's
the following setting:


You could also provide corresponding entries in /etc/hosts.

> Every time I reboot, I get: machine0# Nov26 04:37:03 machine0
> ntpd_initrest[2008]:host name not found: 0.freebsd.pool.org

The error message indicates that the name of the "time server"
(for NTP), called 0.freebsd.pool.org, cannot be resolved to an
IP. You should check your Internet connection and the setting
for the resolver in /etc/resolv.conf. Can you access other
machines on the Internet?

This is what you should be able to do:

        % host 0.freebsd.pool.org
        0.freebsd.pool.org has address

> I get this error, unless I enter my login info; and after I had entered my
> login info, if I don't do anything else right away, this error message
> comes back.

That's normal as NTP tries to make a connection to the specified
server as long as it's running. You'll find the NTP related settings
(ntpdate, ntpd) in /etc/rc.conf, plus examples and explanations
in /etc/defaults/rc.conf.

> And the time is wrong too.

Of course the time is wrong: It could not be adjusted because the
required Internet connection to obtain the current time could not
be made.

You can manually set the time using the "date" command.
See "man date" for details.

> Also, I received 4 installer discs: 2 installers and 2 important packages
> (2 for amd64 and 2 for i386), how do I read the appropriate Important
> Packages disc in?

According to what architecture you're using (i386 _or_ amd64),
you would probably use bsdinstall to deal with those discs
(at least the older installer, sysinstall, could be used
to install packages from the CDs or DVDs, so I assume this
functionality would also be part of bsdinstall).

The discs contain precompiled binary packages that you _can_
install (there is basically no need that forces you to install
all of them!) by using the system's package management command,
pkg_add (resp. pkg add). Simply mount the disc and install what
you need. Those discs are typically provided for offline use
when you cannot download software from the Internet.

I assume you're using FreeBSD 9 already. In this case, refering
to The FreeBSD Handbook about the steps of installation might
be a good idea:


I've got no deeper experience with bsdinstall so far, that's
why I can't be more specific, sorry.

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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