On 12/03/2012 10:11 AM, Olivier Nicole wrote:

I have some trouble on a mail server running 9.0-RELEASE-p3

Last week I set up a NFS mounted partition containing 1 Tb of IMAP folders
the NFS mount is done through a private network link on a dedicated giga
ethernet link with the following config : <-->
  mailhub              NFS NetAPP 3210 server

I use MBOX format on this server ( Postfix + Dovecot 2 )
There is something somewhere saying "don't use mbox format on NFS".
It's simply wont work. It may work, but someday you'll face some

Time to change for maildir format :)

Bon courage.

A mbox --> maildir convertion on this server
will take ~24 hours ... I cannot stop it so long for now
( I have to wait until holidays ... )

Since I used this configuration a lock problem occured on some INBOXes
here is an example of the problem.

Nov 30 23:59:26 mail postfix/local[35280]: 3YCr470N6MzYmp0:
to=<x...@esiee.fr>, orig_to=<x...@esiee.fr>, relay=local, delay=1527,
delays=1470/39/0/19, dsn=4.2.0, status=deferred (cannot update mailbox
/var/mail/xxx for user xxx. unable to lock for exclusive access: Resource
temporarily unavailable)

I don't think Postfix or Dovecot are responsible because when I do not use
the "private" NFS link this does not happen ... I mean when the partition is
mounted with public IP addess.

Thanks for any info if you have some ...

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