On Mon, 3 Dec 2012 22:41:06 +0000, BOY RULES wrote:
> hello there i am new with this software never  used it yet but would like to 
> try it 

You will appreciate this step.

> i want to ask if this software supports  MAC and Windows applications to 
> installation  

I doubt there will be enough compatibility with Mac OS X software
(I assume this is what you mean by "MAC"), but "Windows" software
is supported surprisingly well. There are different means to do it,
for example using the software "wine", or one of the virtualisation
solutions such as VirtualBox or VMWare. Depending on the complexity
of the software you wish to install, one solution might be better
than the other. Attention: Licensing restrictions may apply!

> i would like to ask after if this software freebsd supports  FMS
> and ASP net applications 

I have no idea about that, sorry.

> if not i would like to  give me ideas if possible to build a
> new application to run flash media server  
> and a great webserver similar as  MAC Admin tools  

"Flash" suffers from degrading support on the _client_ side, so I
doubt it's worth investing into this dying technology. Because
"media server" can mean a lot, let me answer in a broad way: There
are lots of server tools for FreeBSD: web and streaming servers,
plus web based administration tools for them.

> i want to run a server from home running open source software and
> easy to manage it  like in 3 clicks and done 
> the site is up and running 

While the default configuration of most software pacakges provides
you with everything you should need to run, edge cases might force
you to install additional stuff. Furthermore, from a security point
of view, "3 clicks and done" doesn't sound to carry the required
trust and knowledge. Basically, it's about _your_ security and the
security of your customers / clients / users. Those running FreeBSD
based servers know this very well and spend some time _learning_ to
build and administrate a server properly.

> if possible the developers  to build a new freebsd  and use  skins
> like  the plasma TV that type of black colour 
> skins and all the freebsd be like that 

You can add skins and styles to whatever you like. FreeBSD is free
in this regards, as is the software that you install on it. For
example, desktop environments can be themed, and many preprogrammed
web content providing systems can also be styled in any manner you

> and build one application like  IIS 7 or mac admin tools 

Honestly, nobody with a working brain wants "IIS". :-)

For FreeBSD there are various servers (web servers, mail servers
and media streaming servers) that can be combined if required.
They are usually fast and secure, easy to configure, to update,
and they come with source code -- the opposite of "IIS".

> for easy  up and run sites 

If you don't want to deal with technical details, knowledge and
neccessary basics (such as terminology, protocols etc.), why not
use a free hosting provider and rely on _their_ solution?

> another application is one listview to add all the websites hostes 
> on the server  like add folder name  to the disk  
> disk www 
> folder  chat 
> folder hosting 
> folder business 
> folder family 
> listview  details 
> IP address    Server    Host  Domain Name       date / time                   
>  directory 
> 123.023.02  localhost      www.freebsd        20.12.02 12h 23m             
> www/videos

This remotely looks like what you can achieve with Apache's configuration
file (httpd.conf), but would also apply if you'd choose to employ jails
to maintain web servers on a per-jail basis. I'm almost sure there is
a web-based administration tool for the typical "Apache + PHP + MySQL"
combination that offers such kind of interface.

> i hope  you understand 

It's possible, thanks. :-)

Magdeburg, Germany
Happy FreeBSD user since 4.0
Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, ...
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