On 08/12/2012 02:21, s...@tormail.org wrote:

> While looking for a 9.1-rc3 ISO to test on my old PPC Mac, I saw a
> 9.1-RELEASE(!) ISO under releases/powerpc. I didn't think 9.1 was out or
> announced yet, even though it was supposed to be announced some days ago.
> I can't find it under any other directories for amd64,i386,etc. It's also
> not on freebsd-update. Why was there an ISO for PPC? As I check now, it's
> either been removed or I can't find it. Something fishy is going on?

It's not there until the official release announcement goes out.  Any
premature sightings are presumably a side effect of eating too much
spicy food late at night.  Or something.

Seriously though: ftp servers will be preloaded with 9.1 install sets
before the release, so that people can start using them the moment they
get the release announcement.  Before that point, there's no guarantee
install sets will not be arbitrarily removed or modified in response to
last minute problems.  Good luck to you if you do get hold of them
early: it's your 15 minutes of fame, no more.

Yes, 9.1-RELEASE is delayed.  Some of that is due to the effects of the
security compromise, some is down to the release process not being
pushed through as efficiently as it might be.  It is coming.  Soon.



Dr Matthew J Seaman MA, D.Phil.
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