Since I only run "mcedit" without a file, the error message is grotesque and btw.

$ ls -l /usr/home
total 2
drwxr-xr-x  26 rocketmouse  rocketmouse  1536 Jan 20 13:07 rocketmouse
$ ls -l /home
lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  8 Dec 18 19:19 /home -> usr/home

Thank you for the hints. I take the issues with a good portion of humor.

This might explain why you're confused regarding to the /home path:

$ cat /etc/fstab
# Device                Mountpoint      FStype  Options         Dump    Pass#
/dev/ad4s1b             none            swap    sw              0       0
/dev/ad4s1a             /               ufs     rw              1       1
/dev/ad4s1e             /tmp            ufs     rw              2       2
/dev/ad4s1f             /usr            ufs     rw              2       2
/dev/ad4s1d             /var            ufs     rw              2       2
/dev/acd0               /cdrom          cd9660  ro,noauto       0       0
#proc                   /proc           procfs  rw              0       0

$ mc

does start midnight commander, but if I push "4 Edit" I get the same error message.

I did "dump -0Launf [...]" everything and will continue later. Hopefully with some fun, when starting with audio, instead of mcedit.

To be continued.

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