> > The error below seems to start with;
> >
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/libfontconfig.so: undefined reference to `FT_Get_BDF_Property'
> >
> > I have tried to reinstall libfontconfig, but it makes no difference.
> Try a portupgrade -rf freetype2.  That will take a _long_ time, but it
> will force you to rebuild all the font and X and GNOME related ports.
> Something, somewhere, is out-of-date, and this should take care of it.
Nope. That command gives me the same error. I also tried a;

portupgrade -f -P -R fontconfig

to hopefully reinstall everything that libfontconfig relies on.
I get the same error if I attempt to install fontconfig from the ports,
but I _can_ install it fine as a package. Either way, I _still_ get the
same error on building gdm2. I updated my ports, but that brought no change

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