On Tue, 2013-02-12 at 23:26 +0100, CeDeROM wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Ralf Mardorf
> <ralf.mard...@rocketmail.com> wrote:
> > Firefox is my preferred browser, but it has some disadvantages compared
> > to other browsers.
> Give a try to Chromium :-) I have been using Opera for long time
> because it was fast and small. Not that long ago I have switched to
> Chromium and this was really good step - it is opensource/bsd, faster
> than firefox, you will find shortcut keys almost the same as in
> firefox/gnome, very good integration with google, h264 support, lots
> of applications/applets, etc etc :-)

My favorites are Firefox and Opera, but I also have Chromium installed
for both, FreeBSD and Linux. I don't like the new style of Opera and the
style of Chromium. I prefer classic menus. In the future I might need to
install Chrome :S. I'm not a flash fan, but I already couldn't download
the last Internet provider bill :D, perhaps a flash or some other script
issue. Btw. the design of Opera still is closer to my workflow than the
design of Chromium.

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