On 02/17/2013 13:13, Damien Fleuriot wrote:
On 16 Feb 2013, at 16:56, Jeff Tipton <jef...@mail.com> wrote:


I upgraded 9.0 -> 9.1 on my netbook and only then found out that there are no 
packages for 9.1-RELEASE. On my desktops, I keep ports and packages at the RELEASE 
versions, so I only have to compile when I need non-default options or when there 
are no packages. Would it be possible to get the ports snapshot that was used to 
compile the 9-STABLE packages? I think I could use subversion but then I need to 
know the revision number of that snapshot. What do you suggest?


Hi Jeff,

I think you might be confused here.

It is my understanding that there are ports for:

I don't think you're going to be able to get a snapshot from 9-STABLE, because 
-STABLE is a continuing work.

What version do you consider to be 9-STABLE ?
Every time there's a new commit you get a "new" 9-STABLE.
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Thank you, Damien, for the reply. AFAIK, STABLE gets updated every 2 weeks but not every day, and it seems to be that because of the intrusion, it has not been updated for long. The versions of the ports that come with the 9.1-RELEASE are even slightly newer than those of 9-STABLE packages. I think if I don't get the revision number from which the 9-STABLE was updated last time I'll use the ports tree that comes with 9.1-RELEASE. I hope it won't cause much version incompatibilities.
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