On 03/14/13 01:37, iamatt wrote:
What a waste of time.   Yours under Christ

No, the only waste of time is repeating the same steps over and over and expecting different results. I followed all instructions. I followed the link provided and tried the MP220 driver setting (to no avail).

I'm tired of half- or non-supported 4+ year old hardware (well really I imagine most of the tch on this laptop is over 4 years old, but my wife has only had this laptop for four years, bought new; the printer, no clue as I got that from a yard sale about 2 years ago but it's a good indication it also is around 4 or more years old). I'm tired of not having my wi-fi card work. I'm tired of only a select support for certain brands.

Secure? In spades. Stable? Ditto. Usable? Not by a long shot.

Yours in Christ,

Joseph A Nagy Jr
"Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction
is stupid." -- Proverbs 12:1
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