On 25 March 2013 20:12, Michael Powell <nightre...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Antonio Olivares wrote:
> [snip]
>>> As following /usr/port/UPDATING, I ran into a bit of trouble.  System
>>> is hosed and I cannot update any ports.  I tried to follow advice
>>> here:
>>> 20130316:
>>>   AFFECTS: users of converters/libiconv and devel/gettext
>>>   AUTHOR: b...@freebsd.org
>>>   libiconv now handles the lib/charset.alias file instead of
>>>   devel/gettext. If you are using pkgng 'and' upgrading from source with
>>>   portupgrade or portmaster, first delete gettext, upgrade libiconv, then
>>>   reinstall gettext.
>>>   # pkg delete -f devel/gettext
>>>   # portmaster converters/libiconv devel/gettext
>>>     or
>>>   # pkg delete -f devel/gettext
>>>   # portupgrade converters/libiconv devel/gettext
> [snip]
>> I have tried to follow the instructions included in
>> /usr/ports/UPDATING but I have not succeeded in this machine.  I am
>> thinking of moving it to 8.4-BETA1 release and then reworking the
>> ports or deleting them and restarting in case of not having replies I
>> have gotten myself out of trouble before but it can take days to get
>> the machine back in working order :(
> Not exactly an answer here, in terms of recovery, but more along the lines
> of trying to figure out how it happened.
> Did you previously convert this machine to pkgng? The reason I ask is the
> instructions in UPDATING _only_ apply if you did so. If you did not, then
> you did not need to pay any attention to that section in UPDATING.
> I have not yet investigated the changeover to pkgng. I recently just did a
> portupgrade -a without doing as UPDATING suggested and had no difficulty with
> either port.
> So if you have not converted to pkgng then there is/was a misunderstanding
> in the reading of UPDATING. If you did convert to pkgng then you are in new
> territory I have not seen yet, and the point is moot.

Having switched to pkgng & failing in my duty to carefully read
/usr/ports/UPDATING before rather blindly running portmaster -a
I ran into this problem (to a smaller extent, at least).

I ran the suggested pkg delete -f gettext, which instantly hosed
sudo.  (Why sudo has NLS on by default is beyond me.  Why
sudo isn't a static binary is another issue entirely.)

However, su still worked & I the "portmaster" stage ran without

In a pre-pkgng world (& without portmaster) I would run
"pkg_delete -f gettext && cd /usr/ports/converters/libiconv &&
make deinstall reinstall && cd ../../devel/gettext && make install"
as root.

Or some variation on that, perhaps involving -C  (I've become
addicted to abusing make <something> -C <someplace> ;)
&/or a "clean" being added to the make arguments.

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