Could you tell me how to upgrade qjail-1.7 to qjail-3.0 ?
I can not start "www".  So I have to use qjail-1.7 now. >_>

root@freebsd:/root # pkg_info | grep qjail
qjail-1.7           Utility to quickly deploy and manage jails

root@freebsd:/root # jls
   JID  IP Address      Hostname                      Path
     1    www                           /usr/jails/www

root@freebsd:/root # portmaster qjail
root@freebsd:/root # rehash 
root@freebsd:/root # pkg_info | grep qjail
qjail-3.0           Utility to quickly deploy and manage jails
root@freebsd:/root # reboot

I got the following message.

jail: qjail: path : not an absolute pathname
Error: /usr/sbin/jail failed to start jail www.
        because of errors in jail.conf file.

root@freebsd:/root # cat /etc/jail.conf 
qjail { 
host.hostname       =  "qjail";
path                =  "";
mount.fstab         =  "";
exec.start          =  "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.stop           =  "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
exec.consolelog     =  "/var/log/qjail.qjail.console.log";
devfs_ruleset       =  "4";

So I edited /etc/jail.conf :

www  {
host.hostname       =  "www";
path                =  "/usr/jails/www";
mount.fstab         =  "";
exec.start          =  "/bin/sh /etc/rc";
exec.stop           =  "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown";
exec.consolelog     =  "/var/log/qjail.qjail.console.log";
devfs_ruleset       =  "4";
ip4.addr =;
interface = "alc0";

root@freebsd:/root # /usr/local/etc/rc.d/qjail.bootime restart
jail: qjail: path : not an absolute pathname
Error: /usr/sbin/jail failed to start jail www.
        because of errors in jail.conf file.

I got same massage.
My /etc/jail.conf has been changed default one.

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