On Wed, Jun 11, 2003 at 05:43:22PM -0400 or thereabouts, Robert Huff may have written :
>       make a copy of the db
>       delete the db
>       rebuild the db from scratch
>       The last may take a while, depending on how fast your machine
> is, but it may save you a lot of grief.
>       Then run pkg_version (or equivalent) and update as desired.

        Thanks for the answer.

        What exactly do you call the db ? /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db ? or the whole
directory /var/db/pkg ?
        Upon examination it seems that some files disappeared with the crash.
Actually, some +CONTENTS files to be more precise. Which explains I can't do
anything with these ports.
        If there was a way to build /var/db/pkg from scratch I'd be very
happy =) Else, I plan to retrieve the cvs ports files matching the versions of
the programs installed on my computer and reinstall them.

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