Andrew Thomson wrote:
I'm not looking for help at setting this up as such, but rather a better
understanding of what's happening to the packets in this situation.

I have a freebsd firewall/gateway box.

I then fwd the port 80 requests to the squid box on port 3128

squid then i imagine process the request.. does squid then make the same
http request with it's ip as the source?

perhaps an illustration might be helpful.

wall/gwy =
squid =
user =

user makes an http request.

ipfw rule on wall diverts to squid:

ipfw add 50 fwd,3128 tcp from any to any 80

does squid then make the request with it's ip?

thus we'd need something like,

ipfw add 45 allow tcp from to any 80

squid updates the cache/passes the data back to the user??

Yes. You've got the right idea.

Bill Moran
Potential Technologies

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