On Sun, 22 Jun 2003, Peter Leftwich wrote:

> [1] If I'm in a directory, and do "ls -alF" and see for example:
> drwx------   2 pete  users     512 Jun 22 13:41 myfiles/
> What "ls" command can I do IN THE CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY to just see the
> "myfiles/" listing?  That is, if I type "ls -alF myfiles" (or myfiles/),
> why does the output delve *into* this directory and list its contents?
> The only work around is "ls -alF | grep myfiles" it seems!

If I understand you correctly and you want to list just the name of a
a directory use "ls -d dirname"

> [2] What is the switch to see the full date and time output, instead of
> this information being truncated to "Dec 3 2002" instead of "Dec 3 2002
> 15:16:01" for example?

if you want full date and time use ls -lT


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