----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth Culver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Bear" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 5:23 PM
Subject: Re: versioning file system

> > years ago I used a VAX VMS system that automatically saved file versions
> > whenever a file name was clobbered.
> >
> > I've seen wrapper scripts for vi to accomplish the same but it would be
> > nice if someone had actually implemented something at the file system
> > level to do this.  Anyone know of anything like that for FreeBSD?
> Nope, not that I know of... I'm not sure you'll find a lot of people who
> like this unless they were accustomed to VMS back however long ago.
> Ken

It's something Hans Reiser has on his wishlist for ReiserFS, but it's way
off, and I think ReiserFS is the only project contemplating it.

Would recomend you look at RCS in the meantime.


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