On Sun, Jun 15, 2003 at 09:13:10PM -0800, Thanjee Neefam wrote:
> I like being able to browse to www.debian.org/security and to know that 
> on certain days as many as 5 patches are released.  And that with a 
> single command I can apply all the patches I need.
> Now, FreeBSD has a similar page freebsd.org/security but it doesn't list 
> as many bugs.  Does that mean FreeBSD has fewer holes?  Or does it mean 
> it takes longer to fix them in FreeBSD?  Or that people are not testing 
> the security of BSD as much as Debian?  I don't know.
Short aswer:
        FreeBSD has fewer holes.
Long answer:
        FreeBSD has fewer holes in the base OS than Debian has in all
        the packages.

        Which is quite obvious and doesn't mean anything at all.


What do you care what other people think?

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