I have downloaded 4.8ISo and the md5 check sum. Where is the program md5 located?
Can it run onan Window 98 machine to check the check sum number?

Jerry McAllister wrote:

> >
> > Thanks for your help. I was able to get in. Will you be able to tell me
> > how to get the complete install CD downloaded. I tried to look around
> > but could not find any place to download the whole install CD from the web.
> First, something you can do to help make your messages more useful and
> make it easier for many of us to respond:   Please break your lines
> at around 72 characters.   Some Email readers can be configured to
> do that.   If yours cannot, then please hit a RETURN/ENTER (however yours
> is labeled) at around 70 or characters to start a new line.
> Now,  I never use the web interface to get the ISO-s.   I just go in
> with ftp to ftp.freebsd.org.   But, the location will be the same.
> When you get in, you need to cd to pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/4.8
> (It is recommended that you start with V-4.8 and not any of the V-5.X)
> In that directory will see 3 ISO files and one CHECKSUM.MD5 file.
> Download the file called  4.8-RELEASE-i386-mini-iso
> Make sure you are using a binary transfer for that file.
> If you are using regular ftp, type the command  'binary'  minus the quotes.
> Then, you can also download the file called CHECKSUM.MD5.
> If you are doing the ftp from a Microsloth system, then that file
> should be downloaded in ASCII text mode (type  'ascii'  while in ftp)
> because it is just a text file with the MD5 checksum numbers to use
> to verify a good download.   If you accidently download the checksum
> file in binary it is no big problem.  It will just have extra CR-s in it.
> But, you mush download the ISO in binary mode or it will be junk.
> If you are where you can run md5 on the ownloaded ISO, then do it and
> compare the number it gives with the one for that file in the checksum
> file.  If they are the same the ISO download should be good.
> Then, burn the ISO directly as is on to a CD.
> If you are using the whole disk for FreeBSD, you can just proceed.  If
> you are trying to dual boot it with Win-something or Linux along with
> the FreeBSD, then you will have to slice the drive.   If it already has
> the Win-something on it, the easiest thing is to use a program that
> will shrink the Win slice and make room for a FreeBSD slice.  I have
> successfully used a utility called Partition Magic.   It is available
> for around $50 in most electronics mass market stores like Best Buy, etc.
> There are freeware ones, but generally they don't work for XP and NTFS
> type file systems, but do just fine with old FAT stuff with Win95-98, etc.
> Although you will see lots of warnings about boot sectors needing to
> be in no higher than a certain cylinder on the disk, most modern BIOSes
> don't have that problem.   But, if you get things all installed and it
> won't boot because it can't find your bootable filesystem, then you
> may have to rethink your disk divisions and put a smaller MS-Win slice
> low, then a FreeBSD slice and then the rest of the space for the
> remainder of your MS stuff, or something.   If you enjoy juggling
> such thing, you will be in paradise, but I prefer to just have a more
> current BIOS.   Some systems have downloadable upgrades available that
> will fix the problem.   This is all below the FreeBSd level and must
> be decided and fixed before installing FreeBSD.
> Of course, the easiest thing is to just blow off the MS-Win stuff and make
> the whole machine a FreeBSD machine.  Then, there is no problem.  Just
> make one FreeBSD slice covering the whole disk.   You can do all that
> during install and choose to make it bootable, etc.
> When you get your disk use issues all settled
> Pop the CD in to the machine where you want to install FreeBSD and boot
> it off the CD.  You may have to tinker with the BIOS boot order to get
> it to boot from the CD.  It must have the CD before the hard disk in
> the boot order list.
> The mini-iso disk is the only one you really need.   It has the entire
> installation stuff and knows how to get the rest via ftp.    After you
> finish doing the config stuff and carve up the disk, you just select
> installing via FTP and it will download everything you ever need and
> want.  Of course, if you have a slow connection, it will take a while,
> but not really any longer than downloading those other two ISO-s.
> If your connection is too slow to install over, then you should just
> buy the CD set from BSD Mall or one ot the other contributing vendors
> that package a CD set and sell them for a nonimal cost and contribute
> a bit of the revenue to the FreeBSD foundation.
> ////jerry
> >
> > Any help is highly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Nowman
> >
> > Jerry McAllister <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > Hello,
> > > Will you please let me know any website to download the FreeBSD version 4.7.
> > > I really appreciate your response. I went to the freebsd.org to download
> > > but it asks for the password for ftp. I tried USA and UK sites.
> >
> > Have you ever used anonymous ftp before?
> > You log in with the name 'snonymous' and then put your Email address as
> > the password.
> >
> > ////jerry
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > >
> > > Nowman
> >
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