In the last episode (Jul 08), John Fox said:
> I am running FreeBSD 4.8-RELEASE #27 and have run into some strange
> behavior with the SCSI drive.  The adaptor is an Adaptec 29160
> Ultra160 adaptater, and the drive is a Seagate ST336607LW SCSI-3
> device.
> Problem is that I can rm a 4GB file and afterwards, the free block
> count won't reflect the erasure.  Instead, it displays the same count
> it showed prior to the 'rm'.  The free block count won't be updated
> until I reboot the system.

If you've got softupdates enabled, those blocks won't really be
available for about 30 seconds.  Try sync'ing a coupld times and check

5.x always prints the correct amount of free space.

        Dan Nelson
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