On Wed, Jul 09, 2003 at 07:40:33AM -0400, William O'Higgins wrote:
> I am trying to migrate to FreeBSD from Linux, but some things just
> aren't working the way I'd like.
> When I launch an xterm it honours my .bashrc, and I get my custom prompt,
> which includes colour, but no other colour seems to work - not vim, not
> ls -G, not mutt.
> In the console, however, I never get the prompt or the aliases specified
> in my .bashrc, and I never get colour.  Any pointers?  Thanks.

Make a ~/.Xdefaults file, that contains at least this:

XTerm*termName: xterm-color

You can also customise geometry, background and foreground colour,
scrollbar, etc.  Check out man xterm for the gory details.



Daniel Bye

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