Tim Kellers wrote:
Just tried it again (cut and paste, not a typescipt output)

mts-128# pkg_delete /var/db/pkg/nulib-3.25/
mts-128# pkg_info /usr/ports/archivers/nulib/
pkg_info: can't find package 'nulib' installed or in a file!
mts-128# cd /var/db/pkg
mts-128# ls -la nulib*
ls: No match.

It seemed to work and didn't return an error

On the broken fileserver:

su-2.03# pkg_delete /var/db/pkg/nmap-2.53/
su-2.03# whereis nmap
nmap: /usr/ports/security/nmap
su-2.03# pkg_info security/nmap
pkg_info: can't find package 'nmap' installed or in a file!

What's wrong with your "broken" fileserver? You deinstall a package, you use the whereis command and then you run pkg_info on something that doesn't exist. That's perfectly correct.

Here's mine:

-su-2.05b# whereis nmap
nmap: /usr/local/bin/nmap /usr/local/man/man1/nmap.1.gz /usr/ports/security/nmap
-su-2.05b# pkg_info security/nmap
pkg_info: can't find package 'nmap' installed or in a file!
-su-2.05b# pkg_info nmap
pkg_info: can't find package 'nmap' installed or in a file!
-su-2.05b# pkg_info nmap-3.30
Information for nmap-3.30:

Port scanning utility for large networks
[snip out the rest of the description]

Your broken stuff doesn't tell us anything, really. What does "pkg_info" show you about everything you have installed?

Have happens in you try "portinstall nmap" which doesn't require a specific version?

- J

P.S. Why are you not just using the package names for your pkg commands?

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