On Sun, Jul 20, 2003 at 06:14:23AM +0200, Cliff Sarginson wrote:
>I did have a look in the ports.
>But does anyone know of a program I can use in mutt to read attachments
>that arrive in apple file formats ?
>I have to communicate a lot with an Apple user, using god alone knows
>what word processor.  I think he is using Apple's verson of Word,
>but it is hard to get this information out of him, since he is
>about as technical as a mongoose.

Antiword does a pretty decent job of turning M$ .doc files into ascii text,
and it worked fine with a simple ``hello world'' type document created with
M$ Office on OS X (typically the four word file took 19,456 bytes :-).

All I'm using to handle this in mutt is one line in my ~/.mailcap:

application/msword; antiword %s; copiousoutput

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