On Wed, Jul 23, 2003 at 10:56:19AM -0400 or thereabouts, Scott I. Remick wrote:
> Hello... I'm trying to figure out a way to pull off the following:
> I have a subdir with many different sorts of text files (some nested in
> additional subdirs, so recursion would be necessary) that need to have a
> search & replace done on them. What's a quick way to script a global search
> & replace on many/all text files in nested subirs? 

Hard way (tested):

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use File::Find;

find sub {
        -f $_ or return;
        my $file = $_;
        my $filebak = "${file}~";
        rename $file, $filebak or die "Can't rename $file to $filebak: $!\n";
        open FILEBAK, $filebak or die "Can't open $filebak: $!\n";
        open FILE, ">$file" or die "Can't write to $file: $!\n";
        while (<FILEBAK>) {

                # Replace OLD with the "search for" -- a regexp
                # Replace NEW with the "replace with"

                print FILE $_;
}, ".";

# end replace.pl

Easy way (not tested):

find . -type f | perl -pi~ -e 's/OLD/NEW/g;'

-- Josh

> Thanks!
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