Help me please. I have problem with up 128K via ISDN under FreeBSD
I use W6692 based ISDN card (iwic0). One link work correctly.
See below my configuration and logs.


acctall         = on                    # generate info for everything
acctfile        = /var/log/isdnd.acct   # name & location of accounting file
useacctfile     = yes                   # generate accouting info to file
isdntime = on
monitor-allowed = off                   # global switch: monitor on/off

name                    = WBDU0
usrdevicename           = rbch
usrdeviceunit           = 0
isdncontroller          = 0
isdnchannel             = -1
local-phone-incoming    = 1234567
remote-phone-incoming   = *
local-phone-dialout     = 1234567       # This *MUST* be your local number
remote-phone-dialout    = 7111111       # ppp(8) will override this
remdial-handling        = first
dialin-reaction         = ignore
dialout-type            = normal
b1protocol              = hdlc
idletime-incoming       = 900           # Should be larger than ppp's timeout
idletime-outgoing       = 900           # Should be larger than ppp's timeout
unitlength              = 0
unitlengthsrc           = conf
dialretries             = 1
dialrandincr            = off
recoverytime            = 1             # Should be smaller than ppp's redial
direction               = out

name                    = WBDU1
usrdevicename           = rbch
usrdeviceunit           = 1
isdncontroller          = 0
isdnchannel             = -1
local-phone-incoming    = 1234567
remote-phone-incoming   = *
local-phone-dialout     = 1234567       # This *MUST* be your local number
remote-phone-dialout    = 7111111       # ppp(8) will override this
remdial-handling        = first
dialin-reaction         = ignore
dialout-type            = normal
b1protocol              = hdlc
idletime-incoming       = 900           # Should be larger than ppp's timeout
idletime-outgoing       = 900           # Should be larger than ppp's timeout
unitlength              = 0
unitlengthsrc           = conf
dialretries             = 1
dialrandincr            = off
recoverytime            = 1             # Should be smaller than ppp's redial
direction               = out

 set phone 7111111      # Replace this with your ISPs phone number

 set authname optima # Replace these with your login name & password.
 set authkey xxx     # This profile assumes you're using PAP or CHAP.

 set reconnect 5 10
 set redial 5 10
 set lqrperiod 45
 disable pred1 deflate mppe
 deny pred1 deflate mppe

 set dial
 set login
 set logout
 set hangup

 set device /dev/i4brbch0 /dev/i4brbch1         # Raw B-channel devices
 set speed sync                                 # ISDN is synchronous

 set ifaddr 0 0
 link * set cd 25
 add! default hisaddr

 set mrru 1500                          # Multilink mode please

 clone 1,2                              # Two new links
 link deflink rm                        # And get rid of the original one
 link * set mode ddial                  # Automatically manage the second link

 set server /var/run/ppp/ppp-isdn "" 0177 # The diagnostic port (-rw-------)
I have:
on startup system:

i4b-L2 F_ILL: FSM function F_ILL executing
i4b-L2 i4b_next_l2state: FSM illegal state, state = ST_EST_AW_TEI, event = EV_DLESTRQ!

Phase: 1: /dev/i4brbch0: CD detected
Phase: 1: carrier -> login
Phase: 1: login -> lcp
Phase: 2: /dev/i4brbch1: CD detected
Phase: 2: carrier -> login
Phase: 2: login -> lcp
Phase: bundle: Authenticate
Phase: 1: his = PAP, mine = none
Phase: Pap Output: optima ********
Phase: Pap Input: SUCCESS ()
Phase: mp: Listening on /var/run/ppp--01-414d4d50
Phase:     First link: 1
Phase: 1: lcp -> open
Phase: bundle: Network
Warning: ipv4_Input: IPCP not open - packet dropped
Phase: 2: his = PAP, mine = none
Phase: Pap Output: optima ********
Phase: Pap Input: SUCCESS ()
Phase: 2: lcp -> open
Warning: ipv4_Input: IPCP not open - packet dropped
last message repeated 12 times
Warning: Oops - MP frag 693 should have a begin flag
Warning: Oops - MP frag 697 should have a begin flag
Warning: ipv4_Input: IPCP not open - packet dropped
Warning: ipv4_Input: IPCP not open - packet dropped
Warning: Oops - MP frag 705 should have a begin flag
Warning: Oops - MP frag 709 should have a begin flag
Warning: ipv4_Input: IPCP not open - packet dropped

tun0: flags=8010<POINTOPOINT,MULTICAST> mtu 1524
        Opened by PID 60

In ppp.conf I am changed
 set mrru 1500 
 set mrru 1500 
 set mru 1504
 set mrru 1500 
 set mru 1500
 set mrru 1500 
 set mru 1504
 set mtu 1500
 set mrru 1500 
 set mru 1500
 set mtu 1500

and I have one result (see above)
only if I set:
 set mru 1500
i have 1 link with 64K and ifconfig show correct info:
tun0: flags=8051<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
        inet --> netmask 0xffffffff
        Opened by PID 60

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