----- Forwarded message from Bob Hall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 17:50:04 -0400
From: "Bob Hall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: dhclient denied repost
To: FreeBSD Questions List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm posting this again in hopes that someone who has some insight 
into dhclient will notice it and respond.

I'm getting the following message:
        Aug 21 13:00:03 kongemord dhclient: send_packet: Permission denied
I don't believe the problem is the firewall for the following 
1) DHCP works. I acquire and renew leases without any problems.
2) The IP address:port# pair for the failed connection is 
   generally listed in messages when a connection attempt is blocked 
   at the firewall. I've never received this message at a time when I 
   didn't have an IP address, but the socket pair isn't listed. 
3) Over the past couple of months, I've tried the following ipfw rules, 
   without any change.
   ${fwcmd} add allow udp from any bootpc to any bootps 
      keep-state out via ${oif}
   ${fwcmd} add allow udp from any bootps to any bootps 
      keep-state out via ${oif}
   ${fwcmd} add allow udp from any to any bootps keep-state out via ${oif}

Note that ipfw rewrites the last as 
   $fwcmd add pass udp from any to any 67 keep-state out xmit ${oif}
The two are equivalent. 

I'm not an expert on ipfw rules, and the problem could still be the 
firewall. I'd appreceate input from someone who knows more about it 
than I do.

Bob Hall
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