"dave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>     Wondering if ffs has a file size limit.

classic UFS on FreeBSD is limited to 4 terabytes but the filesystem
itself is limited to a terabyte.  [though it can be configured for
more].  UFS2 handles larger filesystems.

>                                             I've got a rather large tar file
> that i've got on the slave drive, the ext2 drive that caused me so much
> grief. I've copied it over to a tmp area and tried to extract it. gzip gives
> me an unexpected end of file error. When i use tar's -zt option to test it
> it fails on an .avi file. Said avi file has spaces in it's file name and is
> on the order of approx 4.5 g in size. Ideally i'd like to extract all the
> information in this tar file, but failing that i'd like to extract
> everything around the avi that is not corrupted so i won't loose everything.

The problem is the compression; I don't think you can recover the data
stream after that.

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