On Sun, 7 Sep 2003, Jason Lieurance wrote:

> Hello,
> We use cronolog to rotate our apache log files so are log files look like so:
> 2003-09-07-error_log
> Now, I want to make a cron job to mail the log to our webmaster every
> day but I having terrible visualizing how to do it. If I do 'cat
> /var/log/http/2003-09-* | mail -s log [EMAIL PROTECTED]' he'll get every
> log of the month not to mention next month I'll have to edit the job. I
> know I'll need to use variables but I'm drawing a blank. Please advise.

Date=`date +"%Y-%m-%d"`

cat /var/log/http/${Date}-error_log | mail -s log [EMAIL PROTECTED]


David Fleck

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