On Thu, Sep 11, 2003 at 09:29:44AM -0700, Claudiu Bichir wrote:
> Hy folks !
> I have FreeBSD 5.0 installed on my computer and I wanted to know how can I 
> enable the COM3 & COM4 ports. The ports are disabled by default in 5.0.
> I tried to modify /boot/device.hints but with no hope .
> I commented hint.sio.2.disabled="1" and hint.sio.3.disabled="1" out but when I 
> rebooted it said smt like "irq 5 not in bitmap of probed irqs 0 ;port may not be 
> enabled;" the same goes for sio3(but with 9 instead of 5) .I'm just starting so ... 
> don't know what to do anymore.
> I already read the handbook and the sio(4) manual page but I haven't found something 
> helpfull yet.
> I'm asking all this because I have an Aztech UM9800 external modem which's on 
> COM3(at least that's what Windows shows )and I cannot change its COM port to 1 or 2 .
> It is recognized as ugen0 when the system boots.
> It is an usb modem but I was told by people on this list that I can use it with 
> FreeBSD.
> If I can then I would appreciate any help from you on how to set it up.
> Thanks people !

The sio driver is not for usb devices.
Build a kernel with umodem/ucom if your modem is really a modem and not
one of those softmodem things.
In the later case there is almost no hope to get it working - and it's not
really worth it IMHO.

B.Walter                   BWCT                http://www.bwct.de
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