On Fri, 2003-09-26 at 00:49, Erick Smith wrote: 
> I tried to do this a while back and ran into the same problems that you 
> mention.   
> I eventually gave up and wrote a shell script to mount the smb share.  I put 
> this in the /usr/home/etc/rc.d directory.
> It isn't fstab then, but accomplishes the same thing, plus it won't crash your 
> boot process if the smb share is unavailable when you boot.

That sounds like it might work, but I'm interested in doing it The Right
Way. :) This kind of error needs to be fixed instead of worked around.
There doesn't seem to be an existing PR for this, think I should send

P.S. The system appears to boot fine even if the smb share isn't
available. It just skips mounting it whilst burping up a few error

P.P.S. Thanks!

C. Ulrich

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