On Mon, 2003-09-29 at 14:06, Michael Sharp wrote:
> who would like to go in with me on a full yahoo ban of their services. I
> am so damn tired of this freebsd camp writing services so that only M$
> users can enjoy them. The fucking chat.yahoo.com JAVA is written
> specifically for M$, now we have a NEW updated client that MOTHERUCKING
> wont even install because they cuilt the hgod damn thing with dependants
> from 6 months ago.
> - fucking pissed

Dear Mr. Fucking Pissed (if that is your real name),

1) This is not the place for anti-Microsoft, anti-Java, or anti-Yahoo!

2) To my knowledge, the FreeBSD "camp" does not write services so that
only "M$" users can enjoy them. The FreeBSD "camp" writes services (in
the form of an Operating System) so that anyone can enjoy them. For
free. If a third-party wishes to use FreeBSD, it can, and for any
purpose that it sees fit. This is the ideal embodied in the BSD license.

3) If you are really pro-FreeBSD (and not merely anti-everything-else,
as your message implies), then you might consider joining the
freebsd-advocacy list. Be warned, however, that unless you tone down
your language and act with some semblence of intelligence, that you will
not get a warm welcome there either.

Have a swell day.

C. Ulrich

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