Dragoncrest wrote:

I've got a sight problem I need help with. Trying to install WolfET on my Freebsd workstation and it requires something like 286 megs of free space on /tmp. My /tmp is only 256. So I'm kinda sunk. Any way I can enlarge this short of a complete wipe and repartition of the drive? Or can I temporarily mount another drive to /tmp, install the game, then umount/mount back to what it was? I know I probubly should have made my /tmp 512megs, but when I was originally installing this box I didn't think about that at the time. Is there a way to work around this problem or am I kinda screwed in general?

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That is easy. Type man mdmfs for details, the quick explaination is to make a memory file system and mount it at /tmp. After a reboot or unmounting the mfs is gone without a trace and /tmp was the way it was before, also if there are files in /tmp before you start they disappear after a mounting and reapear after unmounting. So this should do it:

$mdmfs -s 512m md /tmp

a 512MB swap backed file system mounted at /tmp.

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