On Fri, Oct 03, 2003 at 09:26:44PM -0500, Bingrui Foo wrote:
> Hi all,
> I read the FreeBSD handbook and installed new kernel with 'device pcm'.
> Also used 'cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV snd0'.
> dmesg | grep pcm returns:
> pcm0: <CMedia CMI8738> port 0xa400-0xa4ff irq 10 at device 5.0 on pci0
> pcm1: <Creative EMU10K1> at device 9.0 on pci0
> pcm1: unable to map register space
> device_probe_and_attach: pcm1 attach returned 6

You have two sound cards a CMEDIA that is pcm0 and a Creative that is pcm1, by
default all the programs send the audio to /dev/dsp who is a symbolic link to
/dev/dsp0, the 'Digitized voice device' of pcm0.
> I used xmms to play a .wav and mplayer to play a .avi. No sound was
> produced by sound card, but mplayer has video output.

Chech xmms configuration and mplayer command line options to tell them to send
the sound to /dev/dsp1 or the device that you wana use, maybe pcm1 isn't working
because of that error, but i don't know about that.

Also by default the devices for pcm1 are not in /dev, go to /dev and do a 'sh
MAKEDEV snd1' and check where the symbolic link /dev/dsp is pointing.
> Wondering what the problem could be. Thanks.
> Foo
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