hi all

the last couple of days, i've noticed strange security notifications sent to the root 
user of one of my boxen.  this box is running proftpd as an ftp server.  the messages 
appear whenever somebody authenticates via ftp.  most often, it's me ftp'ing to the 
machine, so it's probably not someone doing something malicious (just in case, i ran 
chkrootkit and yafic, which turn up clean...)

the messages look like

Oct 10 11:27:06 server proftpd[45750]: server.com
+(my.box.com[129.xxx.xx.xx]) - PAM(secure): Permission denied.
Oct 10 11:17:25 server sendmail[45703]: h9AGHPbK045703: h9AGHPbL045703: DSN: To:... 
+syntax illegal for recipient addresses
Oct 10 11:17:41 server sendmail[45708]: h9AGHfPB045708: h9AGHfPC045708: DSN: To:... 
+syntax illegal for recipient addresses
Oct 10 11:18:43 server sendmail[45715]: h9AGIhBK045715: h9AGIhBL045715: DSN: To:... 
+syntax illegal for recipient addresses
Oct 10 11:19:13 server sendmail[45720]: h9AGJDEV045720: h9AGJDEW045720: DSN: To:... 
+syntax illegal for recipient addresses
Oct 10 11:19:29 server sendmail[45725]: h9AGJTMA045725: h9AGJTMB045725: DSN: To:... 
+syntax illegal for recipient addresses
Oct 10 11:19:56 server sendmail[45730]: h9AGJuBg045730: h9AGJuBh045730: DSN: To:... 
+syntax illegal for recipient addresses

i'm not sure what to make of these messages.  ftp still seems to work (fyi - i 
upgraded to the latest version of proftpd today - 1.2.8 stable, didn't fix the 
situation though), my server is 

FreeBSD server.com 4.7-RELEASE-p23 FreeBSD 4.7-RELEASE-p23 #0: Fri Oct  3 21:37:09 CDT 

if anyone can shed some light, i'd really appreciate it...

thanks again


FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p10 #0: Fri Oct 3 21:30:51 CDT 2003
11:45AM  up 5 days,  2:01, 2 users, load averages: 0.82, 0.51, 0.48
Oh, wow!  Look at the moon!

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Description: PGP signature

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