On Sat, Oct 18, 2003 at 12:29:05PM -0600, KroNiC~BSD wrote:
> I am trying to compile firebird on freebsd 5-current. Something appears
> to be wrong with the compiler on the 5.x series as i am getting the
> following errors:

If you're using the firebird port and system compiler then it builds
correctly on a clean FreeBSD system.  If you're seeing errors using
the port and system compiler, check that you have followed all the
directions in UPDATING.

Also check that you're not using weirdo CFLAGS/CXXFLAGS settings (it's
not clear from the output you included, but it looks like you might
be).  If you tell g++ to be pickier about the code it accepts, and
then it gives errors from non-conforming code, you've only got
yourself to blame :-)

If you're not using the port or not using the system compiler, and you
are using default compiler flags, you're probably seeing the error
because newer versions of gcc are much stricter in the code they will
accept as valid.  Talk to the firebird developers about fixing the
bugs in their code.


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