Roland Wells wrote:
Any pointers, walk-throughs, warnings or the like would be greatly
appreciated. If you want to see more about our specific situation (which
we have titled "Set Us Free(BSD)", check out:

There don't see to be any major issue. It looks like a lot of people are interested in the topic.

Basically, here is what I have working so far (in a minimal production environment of 30 people).

- FreeBSD-CURRENT with dynamic root
- LDAP Unix authentication vithe pam_ldap and nss_ldap --> with start_tls on for security
- Samba3 (from the samba-devel port patched for ldap support) PDC for Win NT/2k/XP stations; roaming profiles; group mappings; unix/windows password synchronisation... LDAP backend using samba3 schema
- UFS2 filesystem with ACLs enabled

I did not have any problem whatsoever yet, but I encourage people wanting to use this on a production intensive server to wait for 5.2-RELEASE at the least.


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